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product marking & coding
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Continuous labels

What is a continuous label?

A continuous label (also known as ‘endless label’) consists of a label printed over a continuous ribbon, hence its name.

How are continuous labels manufactured?

In order to manufacture continuous labels, a continuous ribbon is required.

The continuous ribbon is placed in a label printer. The label printer then prints the labels over the continuous ribbon according to the instructions given by a label software. Continuous labels are usually cut to the required size immediately after printing by a cutter incorporated in the label printer, meaning that it is possible to vary the length of the labels and adjust it for particular applications.

What are the advantages of continuous labels?

The main advantage of continuous labels is the possibility to print them in a wide range of lengths. This is made possible by the continuous ribbon. Since the surface of the ribbon is not divided to fit a predefined length, the labels can be printed in several lengths and cut afterwards. This is particularly helpful for businesses who need to print the same label in different sizes.

What applications to continuous labels have?

Like any traditional label, continuous labels have multiple applications.

Continuous labels can be used to label objects (e.g. cardboard boxes) that have different sizes. The continuous ribbon used to print the labels makes this possible, as it allows businesses to adapt the length of the label to the dimensions of the objects over which the labels must be applied.

Businesses that manufacture or sell a wide variety of products can also take advantage of continuous labels. Since the size of two products may vary significantly (especially when the nature of the products is not the same), using a continuous ribbon gives businesses the freedom to adjust the size of their labels to the size of their products.

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Weber Marking Systems GmbH

Maarweg 33
53619 Rheinbreitbach