Industrial solutions for
product marking & coding
Industrial solutions for
product marking & coding
Development & manufacture
"Made in Germany"
50 years of experience
in business & industry


What is a sticker?

A sticker is a piece of paper, plastic or other material in which one of the layers is covered with adhesive while the other is used for decorative purposes. The layer covered with adhesive is in turn covered with paper that can be peeled off.

Manufacturing and formats

Stickers are made of paper with a coating of adhesive or silicon and are mounted on a paper carrier material.

Paper stickers have long been in routine use in many different forms (e.g. attached to A4 sheets), and are often supplied with programmes for printing using home PCs and standard printers.

What are stickers used for?

Stickers can be used for a variety of purposes. People often use them to decorate certain things. For example: a lot of individuals use stickers to decorate their laptops, notebooks or other items.

Stickers are also used for advertising purposes, regardless of whether what is being advertised as a commercial, political or social nature. A clear example is that of companies who offer stickers to their customers in the hope that the customer will use them and help the company expand its brand and reach new customers.

What is the difference between a sticker and a label?

Stickers and labels are usually considered as two different things. Some say that stickers are a specific type of label, concluding that all stickers are labels but not all labels are stickers.

Most often, stickers and labels are distinguished by their purpose. In this sense, the purpose of a sticker is said to be decoration or advertisement, while labels are considered as a way to provide information about a certain thing. However, the truth is that labels can also contain elements that are often associated with stickers, like a logo or a figure. As a result, establishing a difference between stickers and labels becomes more and more difficult, to the point that many people use both terms interchangeably.

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Weber Marking Systems GmbH

Maarweg 33
53619 Rheinbreitbach