Industrial solutions for
product marking & coding
Industrial solutions for
product marking & coding
Development & manufacture
"Made in Germany"
50 years of experience
in business & industry

Want to be a part of Weber Marking Systems' global network?

Weber Marking Systems Europe as one of the major suppliers of efficient labeling, marking and coding equipment. Virtually every part, product and package throughout the world must be accurately identified. Whether or not using text, barcodes, graphics or a combination, we can help companies get started or optimize their current product marking processes in terms of quality, speed and operating costs!

Become a Distributor / Reseller !

Please provide us with some information about your company:

Become a Distributor / Reseller

Step 1 of 4: Company details
Company details:
Please fill in all fields and click [>] to continue:
Step 2 of 4: Your sales activities
Current business area: Which products are you selling right now?
Which industry sectors do you sell to?
Please name five of your major clients:
How do you sell your products in your home market?
Do you already have any export activities / an international sales team, agents and/or distributors?
Do you have any contractual arrangements with existing agents or suppliers?
Did you take part in exhibitions last year? If yes, in which ones?
What are the benefits of your products?
What are the benefits of your company?
And what are your strategic goals?
Step 3 of 4: Partnership with Weber
Which products are you specifically interested in?
One of Weber's specials is the Print-Apply-Business. What do you think is important to have success in the market with this product segment? Please rank each item (6 = very important, 1 = not important):
What do you expect to sell within the first year of our mutual partnership? Please give us your estimation (number of units):
Which competitors do you know in your country who are active in the sales of marking and coding equipment? If there are several ones, please give us a ranking (1 = biggest competitor):
Which exhibitions do you know in your country where our product range is presented?
Have you already conducted any market analysis and/or study? If yes, of which kind?
What kind of sales support do you expect from us?
Step 4 of 4: Personal information
Additional remarks (optional):

As you explore the following information, you will have a chance to learn more about our company and products:


Contact us


Email us

Weber Marking Systems GmbH

Maarweg 33
53619 Rheinbreitbach